ACRISS works to ensure the provision of accurate information when booking Car Rental and Vehicle with Driver Service Industry (VDSI) through electronic booking systems.
The assurance of accurate information provides the Travel professional and the Consumer the ability to make an informed choice when booking car rental or transfers (VDSI).
Standards have been adopted for:
- Car Codes
- Optional Extras,Special Equipment and Ancillaries
- Airport Locations definitions
- Location codes and definitions
- Total Estimated charges
- Service categories/standards and definitions for VDSI.
- Who
- Membership Types
- Our Members
- Our Constitution
- Honorary Associates
- Board Members
- Motoring Research
- What
- Objectives
- Achievements
- Mission
- History
- Why Acriss?
- CMA Guidelines
- Sustainability & Environmental Focus
- How
- Code of Conduct
- ACRISS Constitution
- ACRISS Cloud
- ACRISS Car Codes
- Dos and Don'ts
- Transfers VDSI
- Transfers Definitions
- Service Categories and Standards
- Policies
- Optional Extras
- Selling Guide