Optional Extras, Special Equipment and Ancillaries Codes (Revised December 2023)

  • Shall mean the code established by ACRISS and listed in Annex C see Extras/Special Equipment/Ancillaries of the Code of Conduct which identifies the classification of additional items of optional extras, equipment and ancillaries which may be provided with the rental vehicle at the request of the Consumer.
  • Optional Extras, Special Equipment and ancillaries’ codes can be requested using a designated field, such as the /SQ-field, used by the GDSs and travel technology providers.  It is important however to check the location policy to view availability of codes for the location requested.
  • Codes with a * are not Special Equipment codes but Optional Extras/Ancillaries codes and might not be supported by all GDSs.
  • Car Rental companies can use customised functionality provided by the GDSs to implement and distribute any other ancillary code (providing it is not already used by ACRISS).
  • Special equipment and Ancillaries codes are approved by ACRISS members and associates. They are reviewed and updated regularly.    New special equipment and ancillaries’ codes can be requested and submitted to ACRISS for inclusion in this list.

Official ACRISS Optional Extras, Special Equipment and Ancillaries codes list

CODE Description Comment
ADD* Additional Driver Optional Extra
Axx Age of driver 18-25 Request for age of driver at time of rental for young driver. xx = age
AUS Snow socks Reusable tyre snow sock used as an alternative to snow chains
BBS Baby stroller/Push chair Small vehicle with three/four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around
BCH Battery Charge Service Battery charge fee included – Full to empty EV charge
BYC Bicycle rack A bicycle rack is a device attached to an automobile for transporting bicycles.
CBB Cargo/Pet Barrier Net or metal barrier used to separate front or back seats and hold cargo or pets in place.
CBF Cross Border Fee Pass This Pass allows you to take your rental vehicle outside the country of origin.
CBS Booster seat for child under 135cm or up to 12 years Booster cushion lifts the child up, making the safety belt fit Correctly and Comfortably. Required by Law till the age of 12.
CCP  Carbon Offset The removal of the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide that your rental would otherwise put in, supporting decarbonisation and green initiatives
CNT* Connect for Mobile device Incl. multi device charger cable
CSB Child seat determined by weight/age of child: 1-3 years / 9-18 Kg Forward-facing baby seat from 1-3 years/9 – 18 Kg
CSI Child seat determined by weight/age of child: 0-12 month/0-13Kg Rearward-facing infant seat from 0-12 months/0-13 kg
CST Child seat determined by weight/age of child: 4-7 years/15 – 30 Kg Booster seat from 4 – 7 years/15 – 30 Kg
DCH Domestic Charging Cable EV Domestic Charging Cable Electric Vehicle - For use with domestic and household outlets, usually slower or overnight charging
DSL Diesel cars fee Charge for Diesel cars
ENV Environmental Offset Customer contribution to offset environmental footprint in support of sustainability goals and pledges
EXR Excess Reduction Reduces the standard excess damage deductible to the lowest cost
FLH Flag holder Flag holder, mainly for diplomatic use
JAC Safety devices/High Visibility jacket High visibility neon jacket in case of emergency
JRC Jerrycan Robust liquid container for spare fuel
HCL Hand Controls on left Auxiliary controls such as indicators, wipers, horn, etc can be controlled by the same left hand that turns the steering wheel
HCR Hand controls on right Auxiliary controls such as indicators, wipers, horn, etc can be controlled by the same right hand that turns the steering wheel
HEL* Motorcycle helmet A head covering of hard material worn by motorcyclists to protect the Head
LCC Extra Long Charging Cable EV Extra Long Charging Cable Electric Vehicle – Extended charging cable, usually used with vans and trucks
LRC Luggage roof case Luggage storage box with low profile aerodynamics
LTR Luggage trailer Small Trailer that is pulled behind a vehicle to hold & transport luggage.
LUG Luggage rack Carrier for holding luggage above the seats of a train or on top of a car 
MCE Mobility Service Card EV Mobility service card (or key tag) for electric vehicle – Used as a form of payment for EV charging in countries where applicable
MCP Mobility Service Card PHEV Mobility service card(or key tag) for Plug in Hybrid vehicles- Used as a form of payment for EV charging in countries where applicable
MMS* Multimedia centre Combination media system such as DVD, CD & picture player all in one unit
NAV Navigation system Handheld navigation System, different from installed NVS
NVS Navigation system Built in navigation system
PCC Station Charging Cable for PHEV Station Charging Cable for Plug in Hybrid – Public charging point cables for Plug in Hybrid vehicles
PET Designated Pet area Seat/area for a pet with responsibility of the customer to bring a cage/pet carrier, additional cleaning charges may incur
PHN Mobile phone  
RPS Road / congestion payment scheme Sticker, which must be fixed to the inside of your windscreen, entitles you to drive on the motorway/Congestion Fee
RSN* Roadside Assistance Waives the call out fee in the event of a non-mechanical issue like locked in keys, flat battery, runout of fuel and flat tyre.  Optional Extra
SBE Seat belt extenders  
SBR Snow board racks Car racks with straps stretching from one side of the roof to the other with soft padding in the middle where the board lays.
SCC Station Charging Cable EV Station Charging Cable Electric Vehicle   - Public charging point cables usually faster charging
SKR Ski rack A rack for holding skis that can be attached to the roof of a car
SKV Ski equipped vehicle  
SNO Snow chain  
SNP Snow packs Include Snow Tyres & Snow Chains
SNT Snow tyres  Check where they are used
SPN Spinner knob Rounded handle on the steering wheel to spin the vehicle, equipment for invalid or handicap driver.
CSR Satellite / digital radio A satellite radio is a special digital radio that receives signals broadcast by communications satellite, A radio service sent via satellite to cars
SRK Surf rack Car racks with straps stretching from one side of the roof to the other with soft padding in the middle where the Surf lays.
STC Scooter top case 2-wheel drive accessory
STR Snow /Winter tyres Snow and Winter Tyres as required in certain countries
TAB* Travel Tablet  A large smartphone like device that will give customers a GPS unit, Wi-Fi hotspot, coupons/ads for location shops/restaurants
TCT Tech Digital App App and Connectivity (virtual SIM card including GPS and WIFI) sold separately and not included in car features
TOL Toll payment tag / pass The electronic Toll Collection System determines whether a passing car is enrolled in the program. The accounts of registered cars are debited automatically without stopping or even opening a window.
TRH Trailer Hitch  
VSS* Vehicle Safe drive App available for drivers to monitor safe driving
WAR Wheelchair access ramp Allows wheelchair users to access directly into the rear of a vehicle
WHC Wheelchair Movable chair mounted on large wheels; for invalids or those who cannot walk; frequently propelled by the occupant
WIF Wi-Fi access  
WTS Studded Winter Tyres (Winter Tyre Spikes) Also known as Winter Tyre Spikes.  To request a vehicle already fitted with studded winter tyres vs an add on like snow chains

Optional Extras and equipment codes recommended for use with commercial/cargo vans and trucks

CODE Description Comment
TRO   Furniture Trolley Flat trolley on wheels to help move heavy items
ETR Hand truck/ Sack truck Upright hand trolley to help move heavy items
 SHT Stair hand truck 3 wheel upright hand truck to help move heavy items across both flat surfaces and stairs
MVC Moving carton boxes Cartons provided to help with moving
LSL Lashing strap large Used to secure items can vary in length and width
LSS Lashing strap small Used to secure items can vary in length and width
MVS Moving pack small Moving boxes provided (number/material may vary by car rental supplier)
MVP Moving pack large Moving boxes, cartons and a sack truck provided as a package (number/material may vary by car rental supplier)
TSB Truck Safety bar Bar to help secure items in van/truck
BLA Removal blanket Removal blanket to help protect items
Images below for new proposed codes

Studded Winter Tyres


Furniture Trolley


Hand Truck/ Sack Truck


Stair hand truck


Lashing Strap Large/Lashing Strap Small


Removal Blanket


Truck Safety Bar


Moving Carton


Moving Pack Small


Moving Pack Large