ACRISS -  formerly "Association of Car Rental Industry Systems Standards"

Major industry players in Europe who have high quality products and services, a well maintained fleet, dedicated customer service teams and conveniently located rental locations formed ACRISS in 1989.

These companies were and are still eager to ensure that they contribute to an industry standard that allows consumers to make an informed choice when booking.

ACRISS works diligently in:

  • Setting industry standards to avoid misleading information 
  • Ensuring the customer has an informed choice when booking through all forms of electronic distribution channels
  • Developing guides and tools to enhance electronic bookings and distribution channels
  • Valuing Travel partners and consumers 
  • Measuring compliance and adherence to the standards set and agreed by its members
  • Engaging in industry relations to encourage and influence others 

Why do we do it?

  • To avoid misleading information and full disclosure of all mandatory charges
  • To enable fair competition and provide full transparency
  • To provide consumers and the end user with all the information in order to make an informed choice
  • To simplify the booking process and compare like for like
  • To provide guidelines and standards to the benefit of the industry